Phase II & Phase III
Achieving Renewable “Green” Nickel Battery Materials

With respect to climate change, we have positioned ourselves to contribute in achieving zero net carbon dioxide emissions. Our strategy to cooperate with PLN and build power transmission line to connect Konawe Utara ASPIRE Stargate Industrial Park to the Sulawesi National Grid is to have vast possibilities to invest in renewable energy in any other locations in Sulawesi.

  • Ni Matte Processing plant + NiSO4 Processing plant.

    Industrial Park infrastructure upgrades: main roads, jetties and seaports.

    Solar farm investments.

  • 20-30ktpa HPAL hydrometallurgy processing is being considered.

    Expansions of solar farm investments.

    Wind farm investments.


Konawe Utara ASPIRE Stargate Industrial Park (PT SMA)